
I know “It is finished”, it’s just that I am not!  As a follower of Jesus Christ living in the UK I struggle with some of  the things we say as “the church”; some of the things we do or more importantly don’t do.

This blog aims to share with you my continued journey as an unfinished Christian and invites you to play your part in helping me along the way. You should discover what makes me joyful, angry, frustrated and what sort of an unfinished Christian I am.

Oh, and why the picture on my blog?  Well it just reminds me how unfinished I am and we as Christians and a society are.  I hope you enjoy it and please let me know you are out there.

I am on Twitter at https://twitter.com/unfinishedchris Please do pass this on (as well as the blog details) to anybody who you think would benefit from these musings and who also considers themselves an unfinished christian or work-in-progress follower of Jesus.

My first blog entry 2.2.2009

I know, I know, everyone is blogging so why me and why now? Well, I don’t know if I will be able to keep this up, or even if it’s really my thing  (being English), but  as I journey along in life as an incomplete and unfinished Christian, I thought it would be good to share some musings as I go.  From time to time I guess I will give some personal thoughts and views on a whole range of things and ask you for your views. So, if you also  consider yourself an unfinished Christian and think we can share together, pray together and learn together then get in touch via this blog and let’s see where we can go together.

Over to you………

11 responses to “About

  1. George Mathews

    Great! Join the imperfect gang in following the perfect one, in the hope that one day, we all might be made like Him. Good work!

  2. rachel

    or Her…

  3. hey, sending my support from Singapore. Great stuff you have going on here. Keep it up.

    We can learn from another and keep abreast of what God’s doing at different parts of this world =)


  4. Thanks for your support and continued interest.

  5. Fred

    Just stumbled upon your blog & Twitter. I, too, could easily be labeled an ‘Unfinished’ Christian (indeed, still very much in the Raw Materials phase). The very best of luck on your journey. I *will* pray for you!

  6. I guess we are all unfinished in some way. I’m following you on twitter (sorry I unfollowed you by mistake and added you back in – hope it’s not confusing for you).
    Great blog, by the way.

  7. Dear Sir/Madam

    The British Library would like to archive https://unfinishedchristian.wordpress.com/.
    The site has been selected to form part of a collection of websites representing aspects of UK documentary heritage. Can you please send us an email address of the person responsible for your website, so that we can send you documents to inform you about this opportunity to preserve your website and to enable us to comply with legal requirements.

    Yours sincerely

    Akiko Kimura
    Web Archiving
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  8. Sure. It is me. d.coleman@churcharmy.org.uk

    David Coleman

    Communications Manager

    Church Army

    Marlowe House

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    direct line: 020 8309 3516

    mob: 07958 997455

    fax: 020 8309 3500

    email: d.coleman@churcharmy.org.uk

    web: http://www.churcharmy.org.uk

    Faith Words Action

  9. finnyfinds

    Hi! I’m enjoying your blog and will add it to my Google Reader. I’m writing from the states. I look forward to reading more!

  10. Simon Kelly

    Just wanted to say Hi and thank you for a very interesting read. As someone who is just starting to take my first steps towards the Anglican reader ministry and, like you, having to overcome all kinds of things the church says and does, it’s refreshing to see another unfinished soul in the rough.

    Kind regards, take care and carry on blogging.

  11. I wonder why you stopped blogging? I can’t find anything later than 2010 here. That’s a pity I would have liked to have read more.
    God bless

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